A winter storm was predicted for today and tonight. Just a gentle snow fall would be a better description. On this Sunday afternoon the family is scattered and snoozing while the world becomes white. Every branch and ledge is piling up with snow. It is beautiful. Any vehicles going by on the road are muted and cautious.
Just playing with Picasa 3 this afternoon. Amy and her friends had a slumberless party and I documented the event with this snowy morning picture of them together.
Whereas this collage is done in the weird and wacky just for fun, it has a certain charm. Hope you enjoy it.
A few of my current One Thousand Gifts: apples and lamps, a bottle of buttons, snow laden pine boughs through lace, thread and scissors, and a new comforter made of denim, an old but still crackly sheet and a very worn blanket, AND the innocence and joy of girlhood.
Arla, I thought you didn't like Ten Thousand Gifts. I continually am amazed at Ann Voskamp. You, You, You have the wonderful ability to express what we all wished to say, too. Keep writing and thanking.