The week filled up. The girls planned one thing and another, until it's down to hour by hourly scheduling. Besides, Charlotte has that flu so we have Benny here for possibly two days.
So far today: I put my computer and coffee cup down right after quiet time, dressed for sub zero weather, grabbed my purse and another cup of hot coffee and headed out the door to go pick up Benny. There was not time to let the van warm up because we had to meet someone about a cleaning job in exactly one hour. I drove down 27 with the visor just barely blocking out the big ball of the sun. Clark came out of the house with a smiling Benny in arms and buckled him into the cold car seat that I had just moved from his Jeep. We drove back north and called ahead to Frank and Brad to be ready to roll the minute I got home. I gave Benny to Amy and picked up Frank and Brad. Drove to the little lake cottage (all wood and warm, pine floors, area rugs, furs, lots of alcoves, bedrooms around surprise corners, a great room full of northern decor, facing the lake) and met the owner who told us what he wanted to have cleaned. Leaving there, we called ahead to the dentist to say that we would be several minutes late for Brad's scheduled fillings. That was fine. During Brad's procedure, Frank drove to Wal-mart for two loaves of bread, a "think book"( lined, ring-bound note book) for Elv, floss for Brad, and contact solution for all the users at home. Frank handed me a yogurt and spoon when I got back into the car at the dentist. She knew my breakfast had been sketchy. Home again and Frank left to go teach her first graders. Amy is studying now since I am here to keep Benny out of trouble and otherwise occupied. Brad has fillings all over his mouth now, but he is done.
This afternoon Frank has a meeting with Katrina about Sugar On Snow stuff.
This evening the men have fire class.
Tomorrow is school, that cleaning job and the church to clean, and then rest home singing and skating for the youth.
Friday is school for Frank and Brad, more cleaning, this time Gladys' house for Amy and then we're going to escape to the cabin for a day. It will be just us girls and Brad going. Elv is jealous and wishes he could go. I wish he could too.
We have visits with Lattin ladies and walks in the snow in store for cabin time. While we are there, I will stand at the windows viewing the pine boughs loaded down with snow and watch the birds. And wonder about simple living. :) We'll be home by Saturday evening.
We tried this between Christmas and New Year . . . the cabin, the snow burdened pine trees with more snow softly falling straight down. (Unheard of in southern MN where there is almost always a wind.) The birds came to the feeders -- we called it -- A Winter wonderland!