Thursday, October 13, 2016

Capturing Autumn

 By the time we get home from Thailand, these sights could well be history. So I wanted to get them on record at least.
As soon as we get home there will be other things to document here: a bedroom remodel and a trip to Thailand.
Besides, Dru's will be here and life will be busy with their settling in for a furlough and our regrouping accordingly.

This morning is a chilly, color-filled world. Through the living room windows can be seen the golds and reds of the maple and oak trees. Autumn is the prettiest season and the most fleeting.
Maybe we would lose the awe of this enchantment if it lasted longer. We are like that. Anyway, here it is again, blazing to our world that God is still Sovereign. He decides when and where and how much fall color. We deserve none of it. 

 Brad put up a swing for us. He was dubious of my request to hang a swing, but changed his mind by the time we were done. It's a beauty and I intend to enjoy it myself, as well as hoping the grandchildren make memories here.

The garden is almost done. We will  pick up the leaves and tuck the garden in for winter in the next few weeks.


  1. You have a real gift in capturing the beauty of the world around you, as seen in the blog header. I miss brilliant colors of the changing seasons (I live in SC) and it takes my breath for a second at the beauty. I hope you have a good trip to Thailand!

  2. Someday I will go somewhere to see color like that! Idaho had color but not a big variety...


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