Saturday, October 31, 2015

Leaves and Other Things

 Fall turned quickly from dry and sunny to cold and rainy this week. These pictures are already outdated, but since they document our  few lovely fall days; I shall post them here.
   I hoped to create a memory for our grandchildren. So we headed out to make a leaf pile to play in. Benny will remember, for sure.
   They ordered up videos of themselves running and jumping in the leaves so we have a few clips, too.
  It isn't necessary to explain to a child what there is to do with a pile of leaves. I caught more than one picture of only feet showing at the top of the pile, for instance. I didn't go under there myself to prove this, but it seemed like they weren't at all claustrophobic about being able to breathe under there. Imagine the smell of dry, oak leaves on damp grass, mice and moles, and lawn mower leavings.

                     A List

~ After this busy weekend, Lisl and Rennie are flying back to Thailand.
~ Amy is going with them to stay for a few weeks.
~ We had four new grandchildren born in the last year. They are all here, along with their families right now, getting acquainted with each other and us.
~ Babies come in all sizes and temperaments.
~ Babies are not only cute and precious; they're smart.
~ Fall work goes away whether it is completed or not, because winter takes over. I'm glad for that.
~ The Graber family has accumulated a bunch of coffee snobs. So this weekend we have flavored and sweetened lattes, or not if you like them without flavors and sweeteners, and espresso or just plain coffee, all options for our individual desires and tastes. Fresh, home roasted, Thai, or Kwik Trip beans for fresh ground, as well. It is ridiculous and fun!
~ Windows 10 is a pain, but can be coerced into looking enough like Windows 7 to be useful to the likes of me. Thanks to Clark and Dru for your encouragements and Gabe for setting it up for me. Liking a new computer, finally.
~ We have three different Thanksgiving invitations to choose from this year. We'll see what that turns up.
~ Northwood Outdoor is opening a new store in Village Square on Miller Hill today. That seems unrelated to this list. It isn't.


  1. Finally pics of those grand babies near you! Lovely post.

  2. I like your random Northwood comment. I like your coffee comments - I just plain like you. :)
    R. S.


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