Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer Campout 2012

We camped all weekend with church family and friends. This is a picture post of same. Think: boats, canoes, fishing, children, circles of people, hamburgers, frying fish, lawn chairs all over, life jackets on children all day and otherwise laying around all along the shoreline. Kub and Ladder Golf and Foray Chess.  Laughter, good natured pranks, and Bill exhorting his neighbor. Happy, dirty, little boys. Bunk filled cabins. Parked and humming RV’s. Discussions. Church service in everyday clothes with iced soda, coffee, and water bottles in hand. Fans, shade trees, canopy, 89 degrees. Swimming, bike riding, canoeing…

Summer 2012 Campout

  While the men and boys camped on Friday night, some of us were at a different campground.  We had a relaxing time there. The next morning my friend Marj Weaver “happened” to come to this same spot to see about camping here next weekend. Certainly God’s appointment for us. We had wonderful encouraging discussion.  It seems that He wanted us to hear what Marj had to share with us that morning.


2012-07-21 18.30.18Evening Fishfry2012-07-21 18.54.042012-07-21 18.54.10   

            2012-07-21 18.30.21

  2012-07-21 18.54.34            2012-07-21 18.55.142012-07-21 20.27.44

2012-07-21 20.28.462012-07-21 20.29.44

Someone’s little son is out there taking his boat ride into his own hands. Moments later I saw his dad had joined him after all.

2012-07-21 20.29.04                               2012-07-22 12.42.57

2012-07-22 12.44.03                   2012-07-22 12.44.14

2012-07-22 12.44.39           Sunday lunch was prepared by the boys and young men                          2012-07-22 12.45.15                    2012-07-22 12.45.282012-07-22 12.54.27

This contraption was engineered and built by one Jaden Mullet. 

2012-07-22 14.26.462012-07-22 14.27.40

The phone camera had to suffice for my picture taking this weekend.

2012-07-22 14.29.292012-07-22 14.30.332012-07-22 15.23.34

These four children played with this canoe for hours. A different version of canoeing!  These children should grow fins for as much time as they spend in the water all weekend. They are pretty good about keeping their life vests on in trade for being allowed to play so much in the water.

2012-07-22 14.32.34

This chess game ended up being rather competitive and absorbing.

 2012-07-22 15.28.48                 2012-07-22 15.32.052012-07-22 15.36.14

They played with frogs this weekend.  Benny enjoyed this.

2012-07-22 18.00.50                  2012-07-22 18.11.202012-07-23 08.36.20

I think canoes are quite beautiful, don’t you? I have many pictures of them already.

2012-07-23 08.35.29.

2012-07-23 08.39.25

  Meet Budge or Buddy, otherwise known as Rodney Mullet. He is 2 1/2 and full of energy and good ideas. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your post Mom, the picture of Rodney is very cute.


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