Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just a List For Now

Well!  We had a wonderful time with family in Idaho. Here’s a list of things to blog as I get time.
1. Traveling with teenagers and twenty-agers compared to traveling with babies.
2. Grey haired siblings! How did we get here, already!
3. Dad and Mom at 50 years of marriage and how the story reads to me now.( I don’t know if I have anything important to say about this, but I hope so.)
4. Lawns and Gardens and Houses of our family.
5. Great décor by my Idaho sisters and in-laws.
6. Traveling through the North Dakota “gold rush”.
7. What I think.  About “music snobs” and other creatures who enjoy song, too.
                             2012-05-26 17.51.42


  1. I hope these posts come soon! :)

  2. Keep it coming! I'm interested in the "music snob" one, since I probably qualify as such! ~GB

    P.S. Shall we all move to ND?


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