Monday, July 25, 2011

2011 Camping With Friends

Camping where the men cook...always!

Where couples can go out for a canoe ride anytime.

Watching the non-stop ladder golf.

Camping, where it's okay to ride the chainsaw.

Camping where the canoes are always loaded and always on the water.

This looks a little over the top, but it wasn't really.  The boats were too loaded and  not moving very fast at ended up being mostly funny watching all those young men make waves for each other.

Like I cooking.

Camping... where babies are allowed to get as dirty as they wish.

A place to watch the action.

Lawn Chair Bouquet

A juicy caterpillar.

Gideon is fairly mesmerized by Benny's devotion.

This is only part of the crowd of campers this year.

Someone supplied a little blue paddle boat and the smiles tell you what they thought of it

More boys playing in the water....I don't know what they're doing.

She played beautifully.

Sitting and visiting.

And playing games.

This is what happens by Sunday afternoon.


  1. Awwww.... I miss times like these. Who is the lady playing the accordian?

  2. Yeah, I was going to ask too, who's the new family?

  3. I'm not mom, but here's an explanation. Oleg and Irena are from Russia. They came to the US 22 years ago, and have a large family. They live near International Fall, and somehow made contact with Lattins. They wanted to come visit, and it happened to be camp out Sunday, so their family came to camp as well. It was very interesting hearing life from their perspective, and I'd have loved to ask more questions. They still speak Russian, though they are fluent in English as well.

  4. I like your bench picture Arla, though it look like everyone was part of the action and didn't have time to sit and watch it! Gideon was rather proud of his green Caterpillar. :-)
    Daddy and Mama met the Oleg Simutkin at Sams like 6 month ago, they traded contact info and called us a couple weeks ago and..... :-)They've only lived in MN for about a year, they were in PA before that and are looking to move again.


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