Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Domesticity

 Perfect Sunday afternoon: reading and doggy breath in your face. You might say that I find enough dog hair to clean in other people's houses that I clean. I really don't think I should have to at home, do you? I don't get terribly much support on this right now.
 Lance was NOT impressed with sharing his Sunday afternoon napping space with Jack.  He threatened to get up and leave the room if Jack didn't.
 But Jack felt fairly comfortable with staying especially since Frances and Elv kept aiding and abetting his presence.  I told Jack to get his nose out of the air for the picture, but he declined as you can see.

 Eventually we got rid of Jack...before Clark's came.  Elv was feeling pretty mellow evidently; so he allowed Benny to have a hand full of his ice cream.  It was the price he was willing to pay to win Benny's good will as opposed to bursting into tears at the sight of Grandpa's face.


  1. I sure hope Jack learns to like me. He seems like such an intelligent and nice doggie.

  2. Maybe you could let him have a hand full of your ice cream. Just sayin'...


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