Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Best Christmas Ever

We are having a best Christmastime ever, I think. Here's why. It has been nine years since our whole family is with us during Christmastime. Dru's are here to complete our circle this year.
Another difference is that through the miracle of nuclear medicine my personal world view is quite improved. Stale story. But still it counts. And my thoughtful spots are much more comfortable than they've been at Christmastime for a long, long time. I'm praising Him.
The work scene is much slower this year. Slower to the point of an almost complete stop. I have two weeks of no work at the store which provides day after day of home time. The quietness is cozy and restful.
I beat Elv at Scrabble the other Sunday afternoon. That's amazing, too. For all of my reading and interest in writing; I can not get as smart as Elv. I never will, I guess. I'm glad about this, to be honest. Can't imagine knowing more than the man in my life. That would be just awkward. He places the board between us so that it faces me right side up. He plays it upside down! And wins, every single time. Except this once! No, he won't let me turn it. "It messes me up." He says.

 Lisl keeps making these decadent cheese cakes and bringing them over to our house. We are going to become positively rolling fat soon. We savor these days of having her family pop in at any moment.  It sure beats the fuzzy images and sketchy voices we get to visit with over the net all the other Christmases they've been in Thailand. Perhaps this is one of the more important reasons that Christmas this year is nigh perfection.
    There are so many lovely things to anticipate. (Yes, another list, daughter Amy.)

~ Hot chocolate parties with grandchildren.
~ Read aloud times. Right now we're reading The Boxcar Children.
~Gossips over coffee, dishwashing, and food prep with the girls.
~ Endless Rook games for the guys.
~ Sledding parties. Maybe some skating. (Elv is all excited about clearing some lake ice for the grandchildren.)
~ Conversation: serious and low, loud and silly, everything between.

 Elv brought me this perfect, puzzle table and set it up in the library next to the fireplace. Thanks, my dear.

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