Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fall Scribblings

 It is cold and rainy outside. The canning canopy is abandoned and damp. The jars of venison hamburger sit sealed in the canner on the gas stove, left to bring in later. We hope to make applesauce one of these days, but I'm waiting until we get a golden, sunny day. 
   September is here. We finally have some fall color, but not all that we will get. It's late for our leaf show, I suppose, because of all that rain. 
   In Wisconsin, the thing to do is to have weather happening that only a few old folks can remember the likes of before. Weather is a big deal here. So we're all set with small talk peppered with complaints or amazement depending on attitude.
 I've been hearing that we're going to have a hard winter, too. So there's that to conjecture about now. I'm interested in what a hard winter really is, aren't you?  I've lived here all my life and the hardest thing about winter is what happens to the cars and water pipes when it gets forty below and stays there for several weeks. Now that's something to complain about, I guess. I've noticed though that we don't need radical weather to get complaints. It probably hasn't much to do with the weather outside, and more to do with what's inside our own heads. Complaining is only an attitude. So let's worship instead. 
During our visit with Herb and Susan on Sunday while we were at the cabin, the kitties kept us entertained. I love watching this man play with kittens. There's something rather pleasant about seeing a strong man enjoy something this helpless and little.

I made this little wall collage because it was time for an update of the family. And it was fun to create. I took advantage of the discount I get from work and bought the two rustic shelves and varnished them for this project. They are not expensive in the first place and if you need some, we still have them.
The pictures are edited to the same coloring so that they would be compatible as a grouping. Then I found the cheapest of framing, all black in different sizes and shapes to frame them. I shopped my own home, which is a great concept, by the way, for the lighted canvas, the wall word and the greenery. The lantern really works and is a gift from Amy to her dad and soon got taken away to the cabin for use. But I shopped MyOwnHome again and found a black tin candle holder that sits in there perfectly. 

Elv and I spent last weekend at the cabin for my birthday and our anniversary. We had two perfect days.We worked up a bit of firewood  and took a hike through the woods to the top of Buck Mt. for our exercise. Enjoyed small warming fires in the stove with our morning coffee. Ate pumpkin cheesecake and read books. We also rearranged the room, again, to suit our tastes better. That was a problem we had left unsolved last time we were there. Very satisfactory end to that story, right there.
The two baby maple trees behind the cabin can now be seen from inside since Elv cleared away the spruce brush for that purpose. I'm very excited about those two trees. They're soft maple so they're brightly clad in fall colors just now. In my mind's eye I see them in twenty years, tall and spreading out over the cabin making the light golden and mellow every fall.

This is Gwen's pretty coloring. She said it was done in sunset colors. I agree. It's also fall colors and so it suits the season. And it suits my soul, too. Thank you, Gwen.

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