Monday, November 4, 2013

Selections From The Weekend

"We must learn to look for miracles. We can't decide ahead of time how God will answer our prayers, lest we miss His unique way of doing it. Miracles are happening all the time...are we seeing them?"  - a friend from church shared this during Sunday School
" You must be willing to be expended emotionally in your writing to make it come alive for your readers." - a friend who writes for CAM
"When I decide to shut down and be quiet because I realize that my words are not being appreciated or I am afraid, something dies inside of me." These words resonated with me. - one of the women in my world who with her husband is raising up godly children besides helping with leadership in their little fellowship.
"I believe that my prayers for our children will produce fruit someday, even though today it may seem hopeless. I chose to believe and to pray continually." -Another friend I meet only a couple of times a year

God gave rich encounters this past weekend. There is a story behind each of the these selections of tried faith and commitment lived out.

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