Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Day In January

      This morning my dad called to say that they're taking Mom to a doctor in Sand Point today to see about her heart.  She's been on my mind all day. Does she have blockages or is it just anxiety and stresses from agonizing over her children?  Maybe we will know by this evening.  If she has to have surgery my sister and I will find our way out to them as soon as possible.  
      Also this morning I chatted with our SIL about our daughter who has been having a difficult pregnancy.  They live in Thailand and we live in United States.  I should not have to explain what the first sentence has to do with the second!  You might say that even though I am not usually a worrier ; I am worried about them. 
       And later this morning I took our daughter to the dentist to find out that not only does she need a retainer; she needs fillings... galore.  I feel like a dud mom sometimes.
      These are my bundles to carry today; to Jesus...over and over.   


  1. You're the best mom in the world!!! Loveyou, Frank

  2. Ya, You're not doing too bad!:) But you should go light a candle and put some music on and find some comics to read. I'm praying too!

  3. Don't we all need to continue to give things over to the Lord?!! A verse that is very special to me is Psalm 18:32 "It is GOD that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect." I hope you have a good evening! I'm praying for you, Arla (& your loved ones also)!

  4. You should have chatted to me and unloaded as I did the other evening. Turn about is far play. And so saying I'll go on over to chat and see you. Love,


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