Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Thanksgivings

1. A Good Husband.  I realize more and more how valuable that is to me and not to be taken for granted. I don’t really need comparisons to know this, but this year I do make some comparisons having a friend in my life who doesn’t have the same testimony these days. Along with my thankfulness I make intercessions each day for her.

2. Children who love the Lord. God gets the glory for this, of course.

3. A church family who loves each other. It was just fun Friday to go shopping with my friends. These women know me and love me anyway. I am humbled and grateful for that.

4. For a warm house.  We must have the oldest house in town; but with a lot of hard work and the fulfillment of dreams we have a Northwood's cabin we love.

5. For health.  Health is a gift.  Whereas living and eating sensibly helps; the truth is, it’s a gift.  Being in good health spiritually is far more important.

6. For the precious grandbabies.  We had no idea how thrilling they would be to us.  It’s as if after all the happiness we already had stacked up; God came along and poured on one more big blessing, smiling down on us like a Father adding toppings to the ice cream.

                DSC00004  I dare you to touch me!           DSC00006-3


  1. Loved this list, I could so identify with most, 'though I'm in a different stage in life.

  2. Is the last picture Clark's son? He did have a boy right? He looks like Clark looked. You are blessed.


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